Phase One – Cardio Routine

Phase 1 Breakdown

The cardio routine for the first phase of the abercrombie workout is pretty simple and can be broken down into two parts, the training day routine and the off-day routine. The training day cardio routine takes place on the same days as the weight training routineand all it requires is 10 to 15 minutes of medium intensity cardio prior to your weight lifting session.

Off-day cardio isn’t too difficult either; the off day cardio consists of a simple 30 minute medium intensity cardio session. That’s all for the cardio during the first phase of theabercrombie workout program.

Cardio Routine Daily Schedule
Day Time Length
Monday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Tuesday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Wednesday Morning 30 mins + Abs
Thursday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Friday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Saturday Morning 30 mins + Abs
Sunday Morning 30 mins + Abs

*the cardio sessions should consists of running, biking, or elliptical sessions preferably.

Fitness Model Phase One – Ab Routine

For phase one of the abercrombie workout the abdominal workouts are done on the days we don’t weight training and since the goal of phase one is to build up our base muscle the routines aren’t to difficult. Each day of the week you have to pick two of the following four exercies:

  • Basic Crunch
  • Reverse Crunches
  • The Bicycle
  • Yoga Ball Crunch


After choosing two exercises, you need to perform three sets of the first exercise prior to your cardio routine and perform the other set after you have finished your cardio. On each set do as many reps as possible before resting (resting in between sets should be between 30 seconds and a minute.)

Now that we’ve covered the weight training and cardio portions of phase one, it’s time to move on to probably the two most important parts of the entire fitness model program, the diet and supplementation sections.

Phase One – Diet Section

Weight Training

Main Goal: Build a solid amount of strength and muscle
Length: 1 Month

The first phase of the abercrombie model workout is the “Muscle Prep” phase. The “Muscle Prep” phase is a short one-month workout program designed to build a solid muscle and strength base. If you already have a solid base from being on a current workout routine, this phase can be skipped and you can move on to the Mass Building Phase. However, if you haven’t been working out consistently for at least a month, it’s best to complete this stage of the workout before moving on.

The muscle prep phase of the abercrombie workout is made up of a basic upper body and lower body workout. During this stage of the fitness model workout you’ll lift weights 4 days a week, preferably on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. By working out on these days, your allowing your body three days of rest per week, and your never training the same muscle group more than once every 48 hours.

By not training the same muscle groups more than once every few days, the muscles are given enough time to adequately recover before the next workout. If you don’t remember anything I say on this page just remember this, RECOVERY IS KEY. Recovery is the key to building any amount of muscle because muscle doesn’t grow while your working out, but rather while your recovering.

The next thing you need to know is that you’ll be doing 3 sets per exercise, with each set consisting of ten reps. If you’ve never been on a weight training program before this means that you’ll do each exercise ten times then you’ll rest for thirty seconds to one minute. After resting you’ll repeat the exercise another ten times. Every ten “reps” is equal to one set. So basically you’ll do each exercise a total of thirty times, resting for thirty seconds to a minute following every ten reps. After these three sets we move on to the next exercise. When choosing a weight to use for the exercise try to pick a weight that you will be able to lift for ten complete reps but no more.

Now that we have covered the basics the first phase of the abercrombie workout is broken down as follows:

  1. Monday : Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps
  2. Tuesday : Legs, Back, Traps, Forearms
  3. Thursday : Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps
  4. Friday : Legs, Back, Traps, Forearms

*during phase 1 abs are covered on the off days as part of the cardio routine

Exercise Sets Reps
Flat Bench Press 3 10
Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly’s 3 10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10
Lateral Raises 3 10
Bicep Curls – Barbell 3 10
Lying Tricep Extensions 3 10
Bicep Curls – Dumbbell 3 10
Tricep Dips 3 Failure

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 10
Standing Calf Raises 3 10
Leg Extensions 3 10
Wide-Grip Pull-ups 3 10
Lat Pull-Downs 3 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 10
Forearm Curls 3 Failure

Exercise Sets Reps
Flat Bench Press 3 10
Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly’s 3 10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10
Lateral Raises 3 10
Bicep Curls – Barbell 3 10
Lying Tricep Extensions 3 10
Bicep Curls – Dumbbell 3 10
Tricep Dips 3 Failure

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 10
Standing Calf Raises 3 10
Leg Extensions 3 10
Wide-Grip Pull-ups 3 10
Lat Pull-Downs 3 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 10
Forearm Curls 3 Failure

*When choosing a weight for the forearm curls, start by using only the barbell without any weights added.

*Also for both forearm curls and the dips do as many reps as you can until you can’t do anymore (takingyour muscles to failure.)


Now that we have the weight training portion of the abercrombie workouts first phase done let’s move on to the Cardio and Abdominal Workout – Phase One.

Overview of the Program

What is it?

The abercrombie workout is a specialized fitness program thats broken down into 4 distinct parts the workout guide, the cardio guide, the diet guide, and the supplement guide. The problem with most programs is that they only rely on one of these things, either a diet, a workout plan, or just taking a few supplements. The key to building that male fitness model physique is to use all three of these things together. This is because these parts all work together synergistically, meaning that when used together they increase the effectiveness each other. This holds true for all 3 parts of this program and when all are used correctly the results are guaranteed to be better than they would be otherwise. Obviously in addition to stuff like this you want to make sure you’re also getting enough sleep (if you’re like me that means getting a sleepmask so you don’t wake up as soon as the sun comes up!) and living an overall healthy lifestyle.

What Does The Program Focus On?

Since the objective of a fitness model workout is to develop a body similar to that of a fitness model, the key areas targeted by the abercrombie workout are the chest, shoulders, abs, and arms. Other areas such as the legs, forearms, back, and traps are also targeted in the abercrombie workout program, but they aren’t stressed at the same level as the other muscle groups since they’re not as important in achieving the abercrombie and fitness model type of physique.

The Workout Breakdown

The abercrombie model workout is broken down into 3 distinct phases:



Why Three Phases?

The abercrombie workout is designed this way because a fitness routine that doesn’t adjust with the changes being made by the body will never work. A common problem people face when starting a new workout program is that the program will work great at first but after a little while the results will slow down or stop completely.

Another problem people face is they’ll use a workout program designed for someone like a competitive bodybuilder. These type of workouts aren’t designed for the average person, but rather someone who has been religiously training for over five years and due to this these programs result in little to no gains for the average person. The way the abercrombie workout solves this problem is by adjusting the workout routine as your body grows and changes.

Another Reason For Three Phases :

An additional problem with most workout programs is that they overlook the fact that it is immensely hard for the human body to build substantial amounts of muscle while at the same time trying to reduce body fat levels. Again, this fitness model workout overcomes this dilemma by using phases or cycles. By cycling the workouts we’re able to maximize muscle growth during one period and then maxmize fat loss in another, resulting in the highest level of total muscle growth and fat loss possible.

Alright lets move on to the workout:

Phase one – The Muscle Prep Phase

Our Recommended Supplements

Phase One Supplements




Phase Two Supplements






Phase Three Supplements






The Conclusion

What to do now?

When you’ve finished all three phases of the abercrombie workout you have two options as to what you want to do. If you want to continue building more muscle and working towards the male fitness model physique you can cycle between the second and third phase of the abercrombie workout. The best plan would be to spend two months on one phase before switching to the other. By doing this you’ll be able to maximize your overall size and strength gains.

On the other hand if you’re happy with your physique you can do something known as a maintenance workout. A maintenance workout is designed to maintain your gains but at the same time not make any more progress. The following is the maintenance program for the abercrombie male fitness model workout:

Exercise Sets Reps
Skull Crushers 3 10
Bicep Curls 3 10
Rope Pull-Downs 3 10
Pull-Ups 3 10
Dips 3 10
Wide Grip Pull-Ups 3 10
Seated Rows 3 10

Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 3 10
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 10
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys 3 10
Lateral Dumbbell Raise 3 10
Barbell Shrugs 3 10
Forearm Curls 3 Failure
Yoga Ball Crunches 3 Failure

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 10
Calf Raises 3 10
Leg Extensions 3 10
Weighted Crunches 3 10
Hanging Knee Raises 3 10
Abdominal Bicycle 3 10

Cardio Routine Daily Schedule
Day Time Length
Monday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Tuesday Morning 30 mins
Wednesday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Thursday Morning 30 mins
Friday Pre-Workout 10-15 mins
Saturday Morning 30 mins
Sunday Morning 30 mins

*During the maintenance workout use the diet guide and supplement guide from the first phase of the fitness model workout.

Recommended Supplements

The site that I use and recommend